Help us make a fresh start.

Become a Community Partner!

How you can help:

The TEEM “Fresh Start” hygiene drive is a community-wide event that will take place from June to September. It connects needed hygiene items to TEEM participants who are getting back on their feet.

Community members can drop off shampoo, deodorant, toiletries, and other necessities in collection boxes for distribution to those who have been impacted by the criminal legal system. Donated items go directly to TEEM participants who are seeking to overcome their past, address obstacles, and obtain self-sufficiency. Community members may also join our team of hygiene drive partners and host a collection box at work, church, or home.

Your help does more than supply basic needs — it builds confidence, gives comfort, and most importantly, reflects the dignity and respect each person deserves.


Spread the Word about the Fresh Start Hygiene Drive!

Hygiene Drive Partners Make This Possible!


Deepen Your Impact -

Host a Box

Our hygiene drive partners are all-star volunteers. Consider hosting a hygiene drive box, and pledge your support for those in our community seeking to break out of incarceration cycles. Connect with other volunteers along the way, and join a team of dedicated volunteers who are seeking to make a difference.

Hygiene drive partners host a box at their church or school, reach out to their favorite businesses to host a box or run a personal drive with friends and family. However you choose to get involved, your help makes a huge impact on the lives of those in our community who have been impacted by the criminal legal system.

If you are interested in participating as a community partner, please email and we will get you started!

Volunteers make this drive possible!