Complete your Community Service with TEEM and support those who have been impacted by the criminal legal system.

Service Opportunities Available

  • Cleaning/Maintenance Assistance

    Assist with general cleaning and light maintenance duties, such as taking out the trash, vacuuming, moving furniture, and assisting with lawn and lot upkeep.

  • Kitchen Assistance

    Rotating out-of-date food items, general cleaning, sorting and discarding boxes, and possible food box preparation.

  • Preparing Orientation Packets

    Collecting volunteer orientation documents, stapling them appropriately, and preparing orientation folders for future use.

  • Clothing Closet Assistance

    Organize and sort incoming clothing donations. Prepare them to be processed onto clothing racks and maintain a clean and organized clothing closet.

  • Making/Writing Cards

    Creating cards with predesigned messages to present to participants following a successful milestone in their life

  • Special Event Assistance

    Assist with various special events. This could include preparing hygiene bags, wrapping gifts, or assisting with outreach opportunities.

Ready to get started?

You must complete Service Volunteer Orientation to begin!

Beginning May 14th orientation is:

Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday @ 9:00am-11:00am

Planning to attend? Please fill out the form and let us know you’re coming!!!